Collection Couture printemps-été 2017.
Quand la mythologie s'invite sur les podium sur les podiums de la Fashion Week de Paris
On Aura Tout Vu procède à une manipulation génétique entre les ADN grec, japonais et britannique. Otohime, fille de Ryujin, roi des mers, rencontre les Pearly Queens par l’intermédiaire d’Aphrodite déesse de l’amour pour une plongée au cœur de la matière : nacre tissé, perle, fibre irisée et étoffes réalisées sur mesure dans la région de Tango au Japon. On Aura Tout Vu sculpte la silhouette d’une femme à l’attitude d’une déesse par des jeux de symétries et d’asymétries, de cols surdimensionnés en marqueterie de nacre, de tailles soulignées rehaussées d’écaille de reptiles et de coquillages.
Hoori rencontra Otohime (ou Toyotama) la fille du dieu des mers Ryujin. Ils tombèrent amoureux et ils se marièrent. Son beau père voulut lui faire plaisir, il appela les poissons de son royaume et les envoya chercher l'hameçon jusqu'à ce qu'ils le retrouvent. Finalement il fut découvert dans la bouche d'un tai (brème de mer). Il vécut pendant trois années au fond de la mer avec son épouse mais il eut le mal du pays et il retourna sa terre. Avant de partir le kami de la Mer lui donna deux joyaux: un qui fait monter a la marée et l'autre lle fait redescendre. Sa femme lui jura de venir le rejoindre au bout de quelque temps en lui promettant une surprise. Hoori rendit l'hameçon à son frère aîné, mais, comme celui-ci continuait à lui faire des reproches, Hoori eut recours au joyau qui fait surgir la marée. L'aîné, se voyant englouti par les flots, lui demanda pardon et jura de se mettre à son service. Alors Hoori plongea dans l'eau le joyau qui fait surgir la marée et libéra son frère aîné. La fille du dieu de la Mer Otohime tint parole et rejoignit Hoorii. Et comme surprise elle lui annonça qu'elle allait mettre au monde leur enfant, mais elle ajouta qu'il ne devait pas assister à la naissance ni qu'il chercher à la voir ce moment là. Hoori promit mais taraudé par la curiosité il jeta un coup d'oeil dans la hutte. Quand il découvrit que son adorable épouse s'était transformée en Wani (requin ou dragon) il poussa un cri. Très déçue par le comportement de son mari, elle lui abandonna l'enfant et retourna chez son père pour ne plus jamais revenir. Le roi de la Mer ne voulant pas laisser son petit fils sans mère et envoya sur terre une autre de ses filles pour s'en occuper. Elle s'en occupa si bien que, plus tard, ils se marièrent et donnèrent naissance à un fils qui reçut les noms de Toyo-Mike-Nu et de Kamu-Yamato-Ihare-Biko, et devint le premier empereur du Japon.

On AuraTout Vu couture ss17by Yassen Samouilov et Livia Stoianova "Otohime" Haute Couture Fashion week Paris. Photos: Olesya Okuneva & Federico Guendel
On AuraTout Vu couture ss17by Yassen Samouilov et Livia Stoianova "Otohime" Haute Couture Fashion week Paris. Photos: Olesya Okuneva & Federico Guendel
Couture collection
spring-summer 2017
When the mythology invites itself on the catwalks of the Fashion Week of Paris
On Aura Tout Vu
proceed to a genetic manipulation between the Greek, Japanese and British DNA.
daughter of Ryujin, king of the sea, meets the Pearly Queens through Aphrodite
goddess of love for a dive in the heart of the material: mother-of-pearl and
abalon, iridescent fiber and fabrics made on measure in the Region of Tango in
On Aura Tout Vu
sculpt the silhouette of the woman as a goddess by sets of symmetries and
asymmetries, oversized collars in marquetry of mother-of-pearl, underlined
sizes enhanced by scales of reptiles and shells.
Hoori met Otohime (or Toyotama) the daughter of the sea god Ryujin. They fell in love and married. His father-in-law wished to please him; he called the fish of his kingdom, and sent for them the hook until they found him. Finally it was discovered in the mouth of a tai (bream of sea). He lived for three years at the bottom of the sea with his wife, but he was homesick and he returned his land. Before leaving, the kami of the Sea gave him two jewels: one that makes the tide rise and the other makes it descend. His wife swore to him to join him after some time, promising him a surprise. Hoori returned the hook to his eldest brother, but as Hoori continued to reproach him, Hoori had recourse to the jewel which made the tide spring up. The elder, seeing himself swallowed up by the waves, asked for forgiveness, and swore to put himself at his service. Then Hoori plunged into the water the jewel that made the tide emerge and liberated his elder brother. The daughter of the god of the Sea Otohime kept his word and rejoined Hoorii. And as a surprise she told him that she was going to give birth to their child, but she added that he should not attend the birth or seek to see her in that moment. Hoori promised but tapped by curiosity he glanced into the hut. When he discovered that his adorable wife had turned into Wani (shark or dragon) he uttered a cry. Very disappointed by the behavior of her husband, she abandoned him the child and returned to his father never to return again. The King of the Sea did not want to leave his grandson without a mother and sent another of his daughters to take care of him. She took care of them so much later that they married and gave birth to a son who received the names of Toyo-Mike-Nu and Kamu-Yamato-Ihare-Biko, and became the first emperor of Japan.
Hoori & Otohime
On AuraTout Vu couture ss17by Yassen Samouilov et Livia Stoianova "Otohime" Haute Couture Fashion week Paris. Photos: Olesya Okuneva & Federico Guendel
On AuraTout Vu couture ss17by Yassen Samouilov et Livia Stoianova "Otohime" Haute Couture Fashion week Paris. Photos: Olesya Okuneva & Federico Guendel
On AuraTout Vu couture ss17by Yassen Samouilov et Livia Stoianova "Otohime" Haute Couture Fashion week Paris. Photos: Olesya Okuneva & Federico Guendel
On AuraTout Vu couture ss17by Yassen Samouilov et Livia Stoianova "Otohime" Haute Couture Fashion week Paris. Photos: Olesya Okuneva & Federico Guendel
On AuraTout Vu couture ss17 by Yassen Samouilov et Livia Stoianova "Otohime" Haute Couture Fashion week Paris. Photos: Olesya Okuneva & Federico Guendel
On AuraTout Vu couture ss17 by Yassen Samouilov et Livia Stoianova "Otohime" Haute Couture Fashion week Paris. Photos: Olesya Okuneva & Federico Guendel
On AuraTout Vu couture ss17 by Yassen Samouilov et Livia Stoianova "Otohime" Haute Couture Fashion week Paris. Photos: Olesya Okuneva & Federico Guendel
On AuraTout Vu couture ss17 by Yassen Samouilov et Livia Stoianova "Otohime" Haute Couture Fashion week Paris. Photos: Olesya Okuneva & Federico Guendel
On AuraTout Vu couture ss17 by Yassen Samouilov et Livia Stoianova "Otohime" Haute Couture Fashion week Paris. Photos: Olesya Okuneva & Federico Guendel
On AuraTout Vu couture ss17 by Yassen Samouilov et Livia Stoianova "Otohime" Haute Couture Fashion week Paris. Photos: Olesya Okuneva & Federico Guendel
On AuraTout Vu couture ss17 by Yassen Samouilov et Livia Stoianova "Otohime" Haute Couture Fashion week Paris. Photos: Olesya Okuneva & Federico Guendel
On AuraTout Vu couture ss17 by Yassen Samouilov et Livia Stoianova "Otohime" Haute Couture Fashion week Paris. Photos: Olesya Okuneva & Federico Guendel
On AuraTout Vu couture ss17 by Yassen Samouilov et Livia Stoianova "Otohime" Haute Couture Fashion week Paris. Photos: Olesya Okuneva & Federico Guendel
On AuraTout Vu couture ss17 by Yassen Samouilov et Livia Stoianova "Otohime" Haute Couture Fashion week Paris. Photos: Olesya Okuneva & Federico Guendel
On AuraTout Vu couture ss17 by Yassen Samouilov et Livia Stoianova "Otohime" Haute Couture Fashion week Paris. Photos: Olesya Okuneva & Federico Guendel
On AuraTout Vu couture ss17 by Yassen Samouilov et Livia Stoianova "Otohime" Haute Couture Fashion week Paris. Photos: Olesya Okuneva & Federico Guendel
On AuraTout Vu couture ss17 by Yassen Samouilov et Livia Stoianova "Otohime" Haute Couture Fashion week Paris. Photos: Olesya Okuneva & Federico Guendel
On AuraTout Vu couture ss17 by Yassen Samouilov et Livia Stoianova "Otohime" Haute Couture Fashion week Paris. Photos: Olesya Okuneva & Federico Guendel
On AuraTout Vu couture ss17 by Yassen Samouilov et Livia Stoianova "Otohime" Haute Couture Fashion week Paris. Photos: Olesya Okuneva & Federico Guendel
On AuraTout Vu couture ss17 by Yassen Samouilov et Livia Stoianova "Otohime" Haute Couture Fashion week Paris. Photos: Olesya Okuneva & Federico Guendel
On AuraTout Vu couture ss17 by Yassen Samouilov et Livia Stoianova "Otohime" Haute Couture Fashion week Paris. Photos: Olesya Okuneva & Federico Guendel
On AuraTout Vu couture ss17 by Yassen Samouilov et Livia Stoianova "Otohime" Haute Couture Fashion week Paris. Photos: Olesya Okuneva & Federico Guendel
On AuraTout Vu couture ss17 by Yassen Samouilov et Livia Stoianova "Otohime" Haute Couture Fashion week Paris. Photos: Olesya Okuneva & Federico Guendel
On AuraTout Vu couture ss17 - Yassen Samouilov et Livia Stoianova "Otohime" Haute Couture Fashion week Paris. Photos: Olesya Okuneva & Federico Guendel